ILWU delegation meets with key U.S. Representatives and Senators in DC

Defending ILWU interests and workers tops the agenda Shortly after the presidential inauguration, the ILWU hit the ground running by sending a delegation to Washington, DC at the beginning of February to meet with members of Congress and key staff. Leading the...

Unions push back against chaotic first month of Trump administration

Blitz of executive orders targeting workers provokes protests, lawsuits The conservative-leaning federal workers’ unions are leading a pushback against the chaotic first month of the Trump Administration, which saw scores of executive orders and other actions...

Alcatraz Cruises workers ratify first contract

94% approve contract with wage gains, pension for workers After reaching a tentative agreement on a first contract at the end of December, workers at Alcatraz Cruises in San Francisco voted overwhelmingly to ratify the agreement with 94 percent voting in the...

CLD Safety Committee Chair testifies before OSHA rulemaking hearing

Wetzel calls for comprehensive emergency response planning, better response times, and warns of dangers of lithium-ion batteries Coast Longshore Division Safety Committee Chair Adam Wetzel testified at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA)...

ILWU Library and Archives

The ILWU Archives houses a digital collection of all the issues of The Dispatcher newspaper, Voice of the Federation, and the Waterfont Worker.

The Docker Podcast

Produced and hosted by rank and file longshore workers who take on issues about local, national, and international labor struggles. The views expressed do not represent the ILWU or its affiliates.

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